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Mindfulness in the workplace


The modern workplace often places people under increasing pressure to perform. This in turn can cause high levels of stress to both individuals and organisations.


Mindfulness training releases people from the destructive effects of stress leading to enhanced performance, enabling people to respond to challenging circumstances with greater awareness and move beyond familiar and habitual reactions.

 'There is growing evidence that Mindfulness in the workplace can improve productivity and decrease sickness absence, and increasingly employers are looking to benefit from its effect on workplace wellbeing. ' - Mental Health Foundation

This innovative approach is increasingly being used in the workplace having been proven to:

  • reduces stress and interpersonal tension

  • enhances decision-making capability, creativity and emotional intelligence

  • release potential that has been diminished by over-busyness, stress and fatigue


Release offers Mindfulness in the Workplace training in a variety of formats to suit individual organisational needs including half day and one day taster/Introduction to Mindfulness sessions.   


The structured eight week Mindfulness in the Workplace programme is based on the book, "Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World" by Mark Williams and Danny Penman. 

“It provides a set of simple yet powerful practices that anyone can incorporate into daily life to help break the cycle of stress and its destructive effects on human potential.” - Oxford Mindfulness Centre, University of Oxford.


"I found the Mindfullness for Stress course illuminating and very helpfull.  I became aware of the dynamics of my stressfull thinking, its impact physically, emotionally and mentally, and it has given me the tools to accept and work with the challenges that life presents.  In general I feel calmer, more accepting and more centered".

Valerie - Participant on Mindfulness for Stress

Clients we are pleased to be associated with include:

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